DayBreaks for the Week of 10/30/22 – What Price Integrity?

Romans 12:17 (NLT) – Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable.

“It is well known that hospitals charge for medical supplies far in excess of what the products would cost at drug stores, but an August New York Times investigation of “saline drips” vividly demonstrated the disconnect. Though Medicare reimburses $1.07 for a 1-liter plastic bag of salt water (supplied by a subsidiary of Morton Salt), White Plains (N.Y.) Hospital charged patients’ insurance companies like Aetna and United Healthcare $91 per bag.  Other hospitals decline to charge per bag, listing only “IV therapy” of, for example, $393.50 for hooking up the drip.” [New York Times, 8-27-2013]

I worked in the high-tech business world for a long time.  I understand that businesses need to make a profit to survive and provide living wages to employees so they can feed their families.  And I also understand that unless someone has seen the inner workings of a business from the financial standpoint, that most people don’t realize all the hidden costs that companies must cover, and as a result, many people think that companies are ripping people off no matter what they charge.

And some are, as is clear from the quote above. 

What’s this about?  It’s not about castigating medical companies or businesses, churches, or non-profits.  God will judge each and every one someday.  It is about us personally.  At what price are we willing to sell our integrity?

People have been asked questions such as: “How much money would it take for you to mislead someone about your product?”, or “How much money would it take for you to be unfaithful to  your spouse?”, or something along those lines.  And as it turns out, rather shockingly, people seem to be willing to compromise their integrity for a lot less than one might expect. 

What has happened to us?  What has happened to me?  When did our integrity get put on the market for money?  Sometimes it isn’t even money – just a bit of undeserved recognition because we’ve not been fully honest, a bit of praise or fame.  Even just a bit of attention! 

Integrity ought not to have a price tag.  What we give up to gain a few dollars isn’t worth it.  Don’t give up your integrity in order to sign that deal, to make a few extra bucks, or to create a false image of yourself.  Let your integrity be inviolable.  If you lose your integrity by shady dealing, it will come home to roost and you will be left in shame. 

PRAYER: Jesus, You never compromised in the slightest in order to gain some advantage.  Help us to believe that maintaining our integrity is always the best pathway to choose, no matter what we are offered in exchange! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright 2022, Galen C. Dalrymple.

DayBreaks for 5/09/19 – Heart Valves or Auschwitz

Image result for auschwitz gas chamber

DayBreaks for 5/09/19: Heart Valves or Auschwitz

From the DayBreaks archive: May 2009

Flash of Genius is inspired by the true story of Dr. Robert Kearns (played by Greg Kinnear). After creating the intermittent windshield wiper, Kearns pitches his idea to General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. All three companies turn him down, only to steal his idea and add them to all their automobiles. Dr. Kearns decides to take on the Ford Motor Company in a legal battle that no one believes he can win. (He later challenged Chrysler, GM, and Mercedes, as well.)

At this point in the film, Dr. Kearns has not yet invented his famous windshield wiper. He is currently working as a mechanical engineering professor at Wayne State University. As the scene begins, Dr. Kearns is writing the word “ethics” on a chalkboard. His students enter the classroom. He turns, and says, “Morning, everybody! I want to welcome you all to the first day of the quarter for Applied Electrical Engineering. My name is Dr. Robert Kearns, and I’d like to start by talking to you about ethics.”

“I can’t think of a job or a career where the understanding of ethics is more important than engineering,” Dr. Kearns continues. “Who designed the artificial aortic heart valve? An engineer did that. Who designed the gas chambers at Auschwitz? An engineer did that, too. One man was responsible for helping save tens of thousands of lives. Another man helped kill millions.”

“Now, I don’t know what any of you are going to end up doing in your lives,” Dr. Kearns says, “but I can guarantee you that there will come a day when you have a decision to make. And it won’t be as easy as deciding between a heart valve and a gas chamber.”

Everything has implications. Decide to make the ethical choices today.

Prayer: May we live upright lives, considering carefully the outcome of our choices.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright by 2019 by Galen C. Dalrymple.  ><}}}”>

DayBreaks for 08/27/12 – If God Knows

DayBreaks for 08/27/12 – If God Knows


(NOTE: Galen will be traveling for the next week and will have very limited access to email to respond to comments/questions.  Thanks for your understanding!)

Colossians 3:23 – “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…”

Sometimes I think it would be much easier to actually work for the Lord, not for men.  And just as I begin to think that, there’s a part of me that shouts: “Galen!  You DO actually work for the Lord!”  You see, it is He who will judge our work habits as well as our honesty, faithfulness and service.

A. J. Cronin wrote about a district nurse that he had known when he was engaged in his medical practice.  For over 20 years, alone, she plied her healing skills to all within a 10-mile radius.  “I marveled,’ he says, “at her patience, her fortitude and her cheerfulness.  She was never too tired at night to rise for an urgent call.  Her salary was most inadequate, and late one night, after a particularly strenuous day, I ventured to protest to her, ‘Nurse, why don’t you make them pay you more?  God knows you are worth it.

If God knows I’m worth it,” she answered, “that’s all that matters to me.”  She was working, not for men, but for God.  And when we work for God, prestige will be the last thing that enters into our mind, for we will know that even our best is not good enough for him.”  (Wm. Barclay, The Gospel of Luke, The Daily Bible Study Series)

What a wonderful attitude this nurse demonstrated!  We all like recognition – we all seek it and to varying degrees, feast on it.  But this industrious woman seems to have found the secret of the recognition that really matters.  Think about it: if God were to praise you, could anyone else’s praise mean more to you?

It is hard to work as unto the Lord, for it appears that he has little say in our merit increase or compensation level, right?  Wrong!  He has everything to do with it!  He rewards the faithful (1 Sam 26:23) – “The LORD rewards every man for his righteousness and faithfulness.”  You see, it is only the review that God fills out that ultimately and finally matters.  It may not mean more money in this world, but He has promised to reward those who are righteous and faithful!

What will his review of your work habit and commitment say?

PRAYER: Lord, some day are very hard to remain tuned in to the fact that we are working for you.  The first work day of the week, in particular, can be very hard to approach with thankfulness, joy and energy.  Let us see you in our boss and seek to please you with our work offering this day!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright 2012 by Galen C. Dalrymple.

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