DayBreaks for the Week of 10/2/22 – Ultimate Things

Sin is a bad word, carrying all kinds of baggage in our culture.  There are many who would prefer that the word disappeared from Webster’s Dictionary.  There are also many others who believe that sin is a concept that was created by strict, angry men who somehow got out of the wrong side of the bed one morning and had a fight with their spouse the night before and were therefore angry about everything in the world at one time. 

Sin is a very generic term, but a Biblical one.  Sin wasn’t a concept humans dreamed up, but something which God has defined. 

When we think of sin, we imagine all sorts of horrid and horrible acts: murder, rape, robbery, debauchery, illicit physical relationships, cheating, swindling, character assassination by slander and gossip, genocide, bombing civilians with chemical weapons, suicide bombers who slaughter and maim indiscriminately.  And, indeed, those things are sin.

When we think of sin in those terms, we can tend to let out a sigh of relief and think that we’re doing pretty well in our spiritual life, that we’re not such sinners after all.  And when we think that, we’re playing right into Satan’s hands because he loves it when we think we’re doing well in our attempts to be holy and righteous. 

Take for example what Tim Keller had to say about sin: Sin isn’t only doing bad things, it is more fundamentally making good things into ultimate things. Sin is building your life and meaning on anything, even a very good thing, more than on God. Whatever we build our life on will drive us and enslave us. Sin is primarily idolatry. – Tim Keller 

It is easy to make “good things into ultimate things.”  I’ve done it, and I’d be willing to bet that you’ve done it, too.  ANY good thing, except for God Himself, can be made into an idol that will distract us from Him…anything!

What “good things” are you tempted to idolize?  Relaxation?  A spouse or loved one?  Your children?  Sports and recreation?  Church work? 

Think about it.  Repent of it.  And then let’s all stop thinking we’re doing so good in our walk!

PRAYER: There are many good things in this world, Lord, that captivate us and which can lead us into idolatry at the same time.  Send Your Spirit to search us and reveal to us those areas of sin where we have allowed “good things” to become “ultimate things” and help us to understand when we put such things on the throne that only You should occupy!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright 2022 by Galen C. Dalrymple.