DayBreaks for 08/17/12 – The Uncommon Man

DayBreaks for 08/17/12 – The Uncommon Man

Acts 10:15 – “The voice spoke to him a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’

The term “common man” is used to apply to the masses of humanity.  When we speak of the common man, we are talking about men and women who share the same general lifestyle as the rest of those in their culture and country.  It includes financial status, societal position and general level of knowledge and education.

The only problem with the term ‘common man’ is that it implies that there are those who are uncommon – those who are somehow spectacular, or at the very least, of a higher station or calling in life.  And that implies, at least in some ways, that they may have a higher worth or value to society (and perhaps to God) than the ‘common man’.

In the middle ages, there was a scholar by the name of Muretas.  He was poor and lived a very simple life as he wandered from place to place to teach.  When in Italy, he was taken ill and put into a hospital for waifs and strays.  The doctors were in his room discussing his case in Latin, never dreaming that he could understand them – for he was perceived to be a ‘common man’.  In their discussions, they suggested that since he was a no-good vagabond with no money that they might use him for medical experiments.  Muretas looked up at them and answered them in Latin, “Call no man worthless for whom Christ died.”

When we understand that Christ died for all men, we can no longer speak about a ‘common man’ or ‘common woman’.  We are all unique, beloved by God, and cherished as His highest creation.  And as Peter was reminded in the passage from Acts that is quoted above, nothing that God has cleansed is impure (the KJV says “What God hath cleansed, that call thou not common.

We, as Christians, don’t live surrounded by ‘common’ brothers and sisters in Christ.  Each one is special – each has been made clean by the very touch of God!

PRAYER: May we truly believe that you have made us pure, that you will present us pure and spotless before the Father, that we are each special and unique…and uniquely loved!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright 2012 by Galen C. Dalrymple.

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1 thought on “DayBreaks for 08/17/12 – The Uncommon Man

  1. I once had a discussion of what God has cleansed is, but what do you think being cleansed means to most people?Through Faith,Blood covering,Baptism,what is Gods cleansing,why is it important,and if there are no more common men in this world who are they who are ging to hell in the end?

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